Monday, May 21, 2012

May 19 we arrived in Forest City, Iowa at the Winnebago Factory for some RV service.  May 20, Sunday, we drove the jeep to Mason City, Iowa to see some Frank Lloyd Wright architecture.  The Stockman House is the Prairie School Design (economy model) built in  1895 .  We also toured the hotel that FLW designed and built in 1910--he built 5 in his lifetime, but this is the only one left in the world.  This has been completely restored ($20million) and just reopened in September, 2011. The pictures included are of the exterior of the Stockman House and the wine cellar of the hotel -- my favorite place!  The other picture is of  I-35...we noticed that most crossroads are dirt out here and with the winds blowing over the prairie -gusts of 30-40mph-- dust everywhere!


  1. Loved that wine cellar!!! How long is the RV in the shop for?Are you staying in Iowa for awhile?

  2. We had the appointment for Monday, May 21st and figured on 2-3 days here not knowing exactly how long it would take. So we are assuming that we will leave either tonight or tomorrow morning. We have to check in with the customer service center around noon today to see if it will be done this afternoon.
