Sunday, May 27, 2012

May 27 Sunday

Woke up to a beautiful sunny day!  No FOG!! After a pancake breakfast at Pappa's Pancake tent here at the KOA we headed for Mt. Rushmore.   Very beautiful...we took lots of pictures.  Gary posed with his retirement gift that was planned by Arnie and drawn by Kevin and presented to him by Bill on his last day at Pall Corp.   It is an ink caricature of his head on metal filter media (Pall product) with the word "FOCUS" written on it.  Which was a key phrase used by Gary at Pall.  Sounds like him, doesn't it Angela?

After Mt. Rushmore, we headed to Sturgis where we had lunch at Easy Riders Saloon.  Town is very quiet - the population is only 6,600, but, during the Bike Rally in the first full week of August it is over 100,000!  No hotel vacancies within 100 miles.   

We drove back through Deadwood and stopped at the Red Ass  Winery a few miles from our campground.  After driving by their sign several times we had to stop.  They are famous for their rhubarb wine and it is good!   They had free wine tasting-- 5 samples-- Gary had 6.   They specialize in berry wines as opposed to grapes because of the short growing season in SD.  Our wine specialist has relatives in the Finger Lakes so she has visited many wineries there. 


  1. I assume Gary let you drive -- has he EVER had six drinks in a row (even just samples?)

  2. Ha ha!! That is so true...but he was still able to drive back to the campground! You know how small those samples are!! Hope all is good with you Albany...I see via FB that Becca is home...that is good! Keep in knowing you are following our blog.

  3. Gary, Looks like there is room next to GW for Kevin to chisel you in. With all the politics we heard from you, you should be up there with them. Ha Ha! Great pictures and stories, keep them coming Connie

    1. Nice to hear from you. We are enjoying our travels. It is hard to believe that after so many years of planning we are actually executing our plan. As we travel we see there is so much more that can be explored and hope there is time and money to do so. I can hardly wait to explore Alaska. We will continue to post brief descriptions and pictures of our travels. Is Kevin available??
